
Here’s when Manitobans can reserve a campground at provincial parks


A tent is set up at Birds Hill Provincial Park in an undated photo.

Those who are itching to explore the great outdoors in Manitoba this spring and summer will soon get the chance to reserve their spots.

The Manitoba government announced campground reservations will happen over a five-day period between April 7 and 11.

“This year, as Canadians are choosing to explore closer to home, Manitoba’s provincial parks offer incredible destinations for adventure, relaxation and discovery,” said Environment and Climate Change Minister Mike Moyes in a news release.

When bookings open on April 7, people can reserve cabins, yurts and group areas.

Reservations will then open April 8 for campsites in Grand Beach, Birds Hill and Winnipeg Beach.

Whiteshell Provincial Park campgrounds can be booked on April 9.

On April 10, northern and western campgrounds will open up, including Asessippi, Duck Mountain, Clearwater Lake and Turtle Mountain.

All remaining campgrounds can be booked April 11, including Birch Point, St. Malo, Nopiming and Moose Lake.

Reservations can be made online, over the phone at 204-948-3333, or in person at 1181 Portage Ave.

The reservation window will start at 7 a.m., with people being put in a queue before bookings start.

In-person reservations can be made between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.