
Should you wear two masks? B.C. health officials weigh in


Should you double up on your face mask? Health experts have been telling us that wearing a mask is crucial in slowing the spread of COVID-19 – but are two better than one?

Vancouver — To double-mask, or not to double-mask?

As new cases of COVID-19 continue to spread and new variants are proving to be difficult to control, some are starting to suggest it may be time to start wearing two masks.

Earlier this week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the top infectious disease experts in the United States, made a statement that added fuel to this fire. “If you have a physical covering with one layer and you put another layer on, it just makes common sense," he said.

Health Canada currently recommends a face covering be made of at least three layers. Two of them should be tightly woven fabric, such as cotton or linen, and there should be a middle filter. It should be large enough to fit comfortably cover the nose, mouth and chin without gaping. But it appears some people just aren’t wearing the proper mask.

"We're noticing a lot of people are wearing masks that simply don't measure up," said Dr. Craig Jenne, an infectious disease expert based out of Calgary. “Often people are wearing a single layer mask, or perhaps what we're all too familiar with are (people) wearing masks that don't fit well."

Similar to staying warm in the winter, more layers are better than one. More layers on a mask can better filter out more harmful particles. But the way that it fits is considered much more important.

“I don't think we need to be discussing are two masks better than one. I think it's really an assessment of are the masks we're wearing good enough, and are we wearing them properly," said Dr. Jenne. “If we're going to wear a mask, we might as well put the effort in to make sure it not only protects us, but protects the people around us."

B.C. health officials are not currenetly calling for "double-masking," but it is required that everyone wear at least one mask in indoor public places. The Ministry of Health confirmed it is aware of the growing discussion around two masks, but is hoping people instead focus on the guidelines that are currently in place.

"I think the important thing right now is that in indoor public spaces, everyone wear a mask. It's the law of course, but it's also our responsibility to one another," said B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix on Friday. "There's been some discussion about double-masking, and it’s certainly something people can consider, but what’s really important is that people wear a mask."

According to the experts, wearing two masks instead of one won’t give you any better protection against some of the new COVID-19 variants either.

“So it's not that these new viral variants or any new virus information has suggested that previous masks aren't sufficient, it's just the ones that are typically worn in the public aren't measuring up,” said Dr. Jenne. "It's a good chance to just take a look, can I do this better, can I make this easier on myself and can I have better protection. Nothing has changed, its just we're noticing people are trying to, but not quite meeting the mask recommendations."