
Drunks targeted as CounterAttack campaign kicks off


CTV BC: Drinking and driving counterattack Police will be conducting CounterAttack road checks across the province in December to raise awareness and help reduce impaired driving crashes.

Police will be conducting CounterAttack road checks across the province in December to raise awareness and help reduce impaired driving crashes. The goal is to make sure everyone who is drinking and celebrating during the holiday season plans for a safe ride home.

Now in its 35th year, the campaign to combat impaired driving is a joint effort by the province, local police and ICBC.

“If your holiday celebrating includes alcohol, plan yourself a safe ride home and you’ll contribute to saving lives across the province,” said Mary Polak, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure.

According to Polak, more than 100 lives have been saved over the past two years because of increased enforcement and stricter impaired driving laws.

“Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not only staggeringly stupid, but it can get you or an innocent person killed,” said Chief Constable Jamie Graham.

Drunk driving is still a major problem on B.C. roadways. On average, 127 lives are lost in impairment-related crashes every year. That's more than 30 per cent of fatal crashes in the province.

According to ICBC, before CounterAttack began on average there were more than 300 impaired- related fatalities in B.C.

If you're going to be drinking, ICBC recommends using a designated driver. There's also Operation Red Nose, a volunteer service in 12 communities across the province that provides safe rides to drivers who have been drinking or feel unfit to drive during the holiday season.

For holiday season driving tips and more information on the CounterAttack campaign, click here.