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Driving Information
Transportation ServicesOpens in new window
Find out how to pay a parking ticket and get the latest road, parking and traffic information from the City of Toronto.
Vehicles and LicensingOpens in new window
Learn how to get a first car or motorcycle licence, renew an old one, book a road test, register your vehicle, and more.
Ontario Travel TipsOpens in new window
Here are a few helpful tips, facts and resources to help you get the most out of your Ontario travel experience.
Insuring a VehicleOpens in new window
Here are some answers to common questions about vehicle permits, licence plates and validation stickers from the Government of Ontario.
Road SafetyOpens in new window
Information from the Ministry of Transportation about impaired driving, seat belts, child safety seats, school buses, and more.
407 ETROpens in new window
Information about the open access toll highway, which extends 129 kilometres east-west, just north of Toronto.