Consumer Alert

‘I think it’s sinful to hold it back’: Consumers frustrated Apple hearing aid feature not available in Canada


Some Canadians say it’s not fair that people with hearing loss in other countries are cleared to use the technology. Pat Foran reports for Consumer Alert.

Many people use Apple AirPods to listen to music and podcasts, but the latest models can also be configured to work like a traditional hearing aid.

More than 100 countries around the world can use the feature and in December 2024, Health Canada also approved it for use in Canada. However, Canadians are still unable to download it.

“Once I read that Health Canada had given their approval, I thought we were home free and I went out and bought a pair myself,” said Barry Buckler of Markham, Ont. “I have mild to moderate hearing loss and these AirPods seem to be absolutely the thing that I would need, and other seniors would benefit from it as well.”

Art Jackes of Oakville also purchased the latest AirPods Pro 2 to use as hearing aids and is similarly frustrated the feature is not enabled for use in Canada.

“I kind of felt like I got ripped off,” said Jackes. “I think it’s sinful to hold it back. It’s an accessibility issue. Everyone needs all the advantages they can get.”

When CTV News Toronto reached out to Ontario’s Ministry of Health, a spokesperson said in a statement, “As of December 11, 2024, AirPods Pro 2 have been approved as Class II medical devices/hearing aids in Canada. Prescribing a hearing aid in Ontario is controlled by the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) and this restricted activity is authorized to only audiologists and physicians. The RHPA also prohibits the dispensing of a hearing aid except under a prescription issued by an authorized health professional.”

“Should the AirPods Pro 2 be sold in Ontario as a hearing aid, it would need to done in accordance with requirements in the RHPA.”

AirPods Pro 2 An advertisement for Apple's AirPod Pros 2 with hearing aid feature.

The Ontario Association of Professional Audiology Clinics (OAPAC) said it supports lower cost options for consumers, but said patients with hearing loss should speak with a professional first, as the issue could be something as simple as wax build-up or something as serious as a tumour, which is something a hearing aid won’t tell you.

“If the product is not used right or set up right, it can cause more hearing loss and other problems,” said Dave Pfingstgraef, former president of OAPAC. “If we don’t know what is causing the hearing loss or where it’s coming from, then that’s something that can go untreated for awhile because you haven’t had the opportunity to sit down in front of an audiologist and go through that.”

CTV News also reached out to the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO) and a spokesperson said in a statement, “We do not have authority to approve or regulate hearing devices or technology in the province. We support technology that helps people hear better and believe in making affordable, high-quality hearing technology more accessible. We also believe that the risks around the availability of this technology need to be properly managed through effective labeling and consumer education.”

Members of the public can find a list of regulated audiologists through CASLPO’s public register.

With more than 100 countries able to use the AirPods as a hearing device, Buckler says Canadians should have the same option.

“We have this technology that millions of people are using around the world and here we are in our own advanced country and we can’t and that’s disappointing,” he said.