Carla Shynkaruk

Carla Shynkaruk

Videojournalist, CTV News Saskatoon

In a grade five journaling assignment, Carla wrote that when she grew up, she wanted “to be a T.V. Reporter or teacher.” Now, many years later, she is doing both. She is a part time videojournalist at CTV Saskatoon and is also a secondary teacher. Most recently she taught Junior High English in Alberta and brings that experience to reporting with an interest in stories pertaining to Education. As a Major League Baseball fan, one of Carla’s fondest work experiences include working at Camden Yards for the Baltimore Orioles. Carla is also a busy mom with strong ties to the Ukrainian community. She is happy to be back in her hometown after being away for twelve years and is thrilled with the transformation that's taken place in that time!

By Carla Shynkaruk