Ottawa Senators fans will be watching closely Monday as the 2022 Hockey Hall of Fame inductees are announced.
Fans have been pushing to get former Sens captain Daniel Alfredsson into the hall of fame through an extensive social media campaign.
For Sens fans, he is a hero and many would say the franchise’s most loved player – but is Daniel Alfredsson a hall of famer?
"It's about making sure that we can honour the legacy that he left for Ottawa and celebrate it as fans," said fan Stephen Macdonald.
He believes Alfredsson belongs in the Hockey Hall of Fame, and is behind the "Alfie to the Hall" campaign, hoping to make it happen.
The video now has more than 100,000 views and has been shared thousands of times.
"I knew we had support. Every time we would share that presentation, people would say how much they love Alfie and that he's great, but any goals we set for the social media campaign were surpassed in the first hours," said Macdonald.
However, it’s more than just a social media push, Stephen and fellow Sens fan Corey Meehan made an official submission to the Hockey Hall of fame.
"We submitted the case, Corey went down to the hall in person with a box and 20 printed copies. The hall knew it was coming and said, 'Thank you, we've received your case' and now we can't say anything else," he said.
The duo also teamed up with former Ottawa Senators president Cyril Leeder and Craig Medaglia, a former Senators employee, who have helped with the project.
Alfredsson has been eligible for the Hockey Hall of Fame since 2017 but has yet to be inducted.
"It's not the first time people are waiting with bated breath and fingers crossed hoping he gets the call," said Gord Wilson, Sens colour commentator on TSN 1200.
Alfredsson is the Senators all-time leader in points, goals, and assists, his 1157 career points put him 55th among all-time NHL scorers, and he’s represented his country 14 times including winning Olympic gold and silver.
"The person himself exemplifies hall of fame quality; he's an exceptional individual, not just as a hockey player, but he's done so much for this community, the mental health community," said Wilson.
While the Alfie chants will always be a lasting memory for fans in the capital, there is hope that fans will have a reason to cheer for Alfie once again Monday.
"He's a hall of famer, there's no question in my mind," said Wilson.
With files from CTV News Ottawa's Ted Raymond