
Experts urge measured caution but say Ontario better prepared for sixth wave


City of Ottawa lifts vaccine mandate Unvaccinated employees may return to work, as COVID cases continue to rise in Ottawa. CTVs Leah Larocque reports.

Experts in Ontario are urging measured caution as the province enters the sixth wave with virtually no restrictions – but there is word we are prepared to weather the storm.

Health officials didn’t provide a full update on COVID-19 hospital data Sunday, citing scheduled website maintenance, but officials confirmed 10 new deaths related to the virus.

The province says more than 3,000 PCR tests came back positive, but that figure is considered an underestimate due to limited access to testing. Meanwhile on Saturday, officials said 855 patients were in hospital with COVID-19, levels not scene since early March.

This latest wave is driven by the new BA.2 omicron sub-variant. The sixth wave comes as restrictions in Ontario are minimal—most measures have been dropped.

"This wave certainly will be the first where we'll see how this will impact Canadian society with few, if any restrictions in place," said infectious diseases specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch.

Many experts suggest keeping masks on and maintaining vaccination is key – especially a booster dose.

"A wave is coming and we removed restrictions just when we needed them the most, what's happening now is not surprising at all,” said Dr. Kashif Pirzada, an emergency physician in Toronto.

"These measures should've been kept in place. COVID is something we have to live with long term," he said.

But even among experts, there are varying levels of concern about the impact this sixth wave could have.

"We're heading towards a situation where we're flying blind. We don't have all the information, we're facing a surge, and we don't know how bad it's going to be but, if it's like January, it's going to hit us right up to the limits again," said Pirzada.

Bogoch said he’s comfortable with the level of immunity in the province, both through booster shots and infection, but still says boosters should be a priority for all.

"Most of the modelling suggests this wave isn't going to be as significant as the last wave, but of course it's still going to impact people," he said.

There are some calls for more to be done, including a stronger push for booster shots and broader access to fourth doses.

Bogoch said while fourth doses could benefit some, they won’t be the main tool to help fight this wave. He said third doses, masking and continuing with other public health measures on a personal level will be the biggest difference makers.