Northern Ontario

Recount to be held March 17 in northern Ont. riding decided by 8 votes


After a razor-close finish, Elections Ontario will manually recount all votes in the riding of Mushkegowuk-James Bay on March 17.

On March 17, Elections Ontario will manually recount all votes in the riding of Mushkegowuk-James Bay in last month’s provincial election, where the New Democrats won by a handful of ballots.

Mush-James Bay The Mushkegowuk-James Bay riding is a 254,000-square-kilometre riding with a population of around 25,000.

Official results gave NDP candidate Guy Bourgouin 3,610 votes, edging out Dave Plourde of the Conservatives by eight ballots. Unofficial results had the margin at four votes, but the official results increased that margin by another four.

Under Ontario’s election laws, a recount can be triggered in ridings where the margin of victory is 25 votes or less. It must be requested by the returning officer.

“Under the supervision of a judge, all ballots will be carefully reviewed and counted again in the presence of scrutineers and representatives from the involved parties,” Dave Pearce, media relations coordinator for Elections Ontario, said in an email to CTV News.

Judge must certify recount

“The judge will certify the recount results to the returning officer unless a notice of appeal is filed within two days of the recount’s completion.”

Once the judge has certified the recount results, the returning officer for the riding will declare the official winner.

“Elections Ontario will not be able to comment further on this matter until the recount and the two-day appeal window have concluded,” Pearce added.