
Montreal florist looking for overcharged customer to offer refund


Paul Vuong, owner of Hochelaga flower shop Evasia, is trying to find a customer he overcharged to offer a refund. (CTV)

Paul Vuong has been running the flower shop Evasia in Montreal’s Hochelaga neighbourhood for 27 years without ever making a mistake. That’s until he overcharged a customer earlier this week, and he’s looking to refund her.

“I had one customer, a woman who came to my store to buy something and the amount was of $42.52, I don’t know what happened, but I added one more zero extra, so she paid $425.20,” he said.

Vuong said he didn’t notice the mistake until he was balancing the cash at the end of the day.

“I feel very bad,” he said.

After checking his security cameras, Vuong and his daughter decided to look for the woman and refund her the full amount.

“We won’t charge anything. It’s my mistake,” he said.

The customer was wearing a burgundy shirt under a black puffer jacket and has short grey hair.