
Eight-year-old boy selflessly helps elderly woman struggling to climb stairs


Caught on camera: Young boy's selfless act An eight-year-old boy in Georgia showed how to act like a perfect gentleman when he helped a senior without being asked.

Maurice Adams Jr. was in the car with his mom in Milledgeville, Georgia, this week when he spotted a senior he didn't know struggling at an intersection.

So, he did what any perfect gentleman would do: he got out to help her.

The eight-year-old took the woman by the arm and slowly guided her up the steps as his mother waited in the car.

It was all caught on film by Riley Duncan, who was driving nearby when he spotted what was happening. He said he didn't know Adams and his mother Contricia Hill, but wanted to capture and share the special moment.

Adams held the woman's arm as she took each step. At the top, she gave him a hug.

Duncan posted the video on Facebook Tuesday with the caption, "Thank God for our youth." It quickly got thousands of reactions and shares.

He eventually got in touch with Adams and told him he "did an awesome job."