Archeologist Jonathan Fowler is using ground-penetrating radar to search for historic evidence of the massive wall that surrounded Halifax more than 250 years ago.
"In 1750 they built the walls and they really lasted until the end of the Seven Years War, so by about the end of 1762 and 1763, they were gone," said Fowler, who is a professor at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, N.S.
Fowler thinks wall remnants of the 18th Century rampart still exist underground in the city’s downtown core.
"What we’re trying to do is find archeological remains of the old defensive wall," said Fowler, who added he is using modern survey methods and is now closing in on some clues. "We are close to where the posts of the wall are set side-by-side."

According to Halifax historian Blair Beed, in the 1700’s, Halifax was a colonial cornerstone in the British Empire.
The wall protected this colonial asset.
"The Mi’kmaq were allies of the French, and the English were not welcome," said Beed. "They also expected the French to attack, as the French had attacked before."
The wall surrounding Halifax eventually disappeared during peacetime, and as the city expanded.
Beneath this ground, Fowler hopes to find the foundational remains.
"We found a couple of spots in the city where we think there’s a fair chance where we might able to see it preserved," Fowler said.